If you are anything like the contributors to this site, this is your day:
Wake up around 7-ish, get ready and go to work. Work an 8 hour shift. Go home and read. Or go to class. Go to bed at 11-ish. Friday nights are spent with your nose in a book. Papers due. Topics to think about. Deconstruction all around, and not only in the literature-in you brain!! Competition, anxiety...counting the credits until you are done. Trying to figure out where or how you will get your phD. Ok, you get the picture. If you are always in this hyper state of consciousness, you will find this post very helpful. Tips on relaxing and learning to lighten the proverbial load you are carrying on your shoulders. And yes, I am aware that other people have bigger problems, like where they will sleep at night or get their next meal. So save your sarcastic comments for the next NPR show.
Tips on relaxing
1. Meditating - It is a great way to center yourself, focus, and breathe easier.
2. Walking - Releases tension and allows you to familiarize yourself with your surroundings.
3. Cardio - If you are upset, by the end of the workout you will be so tired, you won't even think about what upset you to begin with. Not to mention those wonderful endorphins.
4. Spa day - Pamper yourself with a massage, pedicure, facial, manicure. Maybe you just need to be touched ;-) There is something to be said about the healing powers of the hands.
5. Vacation - If you can afford this AND you have the time, it is highly recommended.
6. Paint - Even if you are bad, you can find it to be quite therapeutic.
7. Listen- Music can be soothing, as long as it's mellow and allows you to escape for a little while.
8. Touch- If you have a "pettable" animal, spend time with them. Both of you will benefit. Play. Pet. Cuddle.
9. Get out - Go to the park and just sit.
10. Driving - I love hitting golf balls. And I am good at it. It's fun to see it sail over the green. It's about $5 for a huge bucket of balls. Just do it!!
Hope this is helpful.