In all seriousness, vegetarians are hot.
No, for real this time. I grew up on the basic 4 food groups: hamburger, peanut butter, ketchup, and macaroni. I was the pickiest child of all time and only ate plain hamburgers, pepperoni pizza, tacos (plain), chips n' salsa, grilled chicken, candy, cake, and french fries. No jokes. When I went away to college and throughout my early 20's, my eating habits gradually expanded to where I was eating some seafood (fried of course), some pastas, steaks, and even salads! I tried sushi when I was 22. I tried Thai food when I was 23.
I met my vegetarian bf (henceforth VBF) in 2004 and he opened my eyes to the world of Tofu and fake meats. Now I've been to Zen Palate, Red Bamboo, and I've tried a variety of Thai vegetarian and Japanese dishes. VBF also really loves pizza so that generally works for us. We're starting a new dinner night where he cooks whatever it is that he's going to eat and I have to eat it too. This will be a good way for me to try things*.
Love works, even when you're opposites. Meatatarian ♥ Vegetarian 4-eva!
* I haven't tried approximately 63% of all vegetables. I decide I don't like them based on their reputations, aesthetics, or the way they "feel in my mouth".
VBFs ARE hot. So are VGFs for that matter. I'm just sayin' ...
I just saw a funny movie about meat eaters and VBF/VGF. http://www.bside.com/films/howtolivewithaveganwithoutkillingthem
If you're a single veggie and you really wouldn't want to have a relationship with a meat-eater, try the ethicalsingles.com online dating service to help find yourself a like-minded partner. Sign-up and search for free at:
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