Note: The main goal in making a person feel guilty is to not suffer the backlash of guilt, which may sometimes ensue. Proceed with caution:
First and foremost is the most effective: This works but it hurts your integrity: If someone doesn’t want to do something for you, you can “remind” them of all the times you have done something for them. After all, they may have “forgotten” how great of a daughter/sister/friend/girlfriend you are. Unless they have no conscience, you are guaranteed to be successful with this.
Another tactic is the resignation technique: Say “ok” and make your best “sad” face when dealing with rejection. This “resignation” technique should be reserved for a pro, otherwise the person will see right through it. And it cannot be used on a regular basis! Stagger this technique.
If you are a less aggressive person, and not such a great actress, talk about how tired you are and you don’t know how you are going to get through [insert situation].
The independent approach works if you are an extremely prideful person: Tell the person, “You know I wouldn’t be asking you for help if I didn’t really need it. I do a lot of things without asking anyone for help,” and then go into your request.
A final tip: Don’t get whiny or accusatory, it will have a reverse effect. You want the person to feel guilty, and they won’t feel guilty if they are angry.
If this doesn't help I am sorry, I really tried. But you have no idea how hard it is to write this stuff, you never know if people are even reading....
(See how easy it is!!!) :-)
First and foremost is the most effective: This works but it hurts your integrity: If someone doesn’t want to do something for you, you can “remind” them of all the times you have done something for them. After all, they may have “forgotten” how great of a daughter/sister/friend/girlfriend you are. Unless they have no conscience, you are guaranteed to be successful with this.
Another tactic is the resignation technique: Say “ok” and make your best “sad” face when dealing with rejection. This “resignation” technique should be reserved for a pro, otherwise the person will see right through it. And it cannot be used on a regular basis! Stagger this technique.
If you are a less aggressive person, and not such a great actress, talk about how tired you are and you don’t know how you are going to get through [insert situation].
The independent approach works if you are an extremely prideful person: Tell the person, “You know I wouldn’t be asking you for help if I didn’t really need it. I do a lot of things without asking anyone for help,” and then go into your request.
A final tip: Don’t get whiny or accusatory, it will have a reverse effect. You want the person to feel guilty, and they won’t feel guilty if they are angry.
If this doesn't help I am sorry, I really tried. But you have no idea how hard it is to write this stuff, you never know if people are even reading....
(See how easy it is!!!) :-)
hey this is really good thx for the help. and yea alot of my friends have looked over this site it really helps...=)
wow...thnx for the help very smart are you...please dont mind my english im a little slow but it okay...
everyone should know how to do this.. isnt it obvious ur not smart or anything cuz if u were u would be able to get them to do it with out bringing back up old favors
hopefully this will work thank you
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